Business Partners


Our specialization and dedication ensure the highest level of service to our clients

Our services are tailored to the needs of business partners involved in construction, real estate, or other related activities. We offer comprehensive legal support in the fields of construction and spatial law, which includes:

Obtaining Construction and Use Permits:

With years of experience and knowledge of the legislation, we help companies quickly and efficiently obtain all the necessary permits for project implementation. Our service includes reviewing project documentation and representation in administrative procedures.

Support for Environmental Compliance:

We advise companies on compliance with environmental regulations and environmental impact assessments, enabling projects to be carried out in accordance with the law while minimizing risks and penalties.

Land Registry Procedures:

We assist companies in resolving land registry matters and ensure legal security when concluding contracts for the establishment of servitudes, purchase, or sale of real estate.

Procedures for the legalization of buildings:

We provide assistance to business partners in legalizing existing buildings, which includes preparing all necessary documentation, adhering to regulations, and ensuring legal security in managing property relations.

Advisory on investment projects:

With legal advice, we enable companies investing in real estate to prepare and conclude all necessary contracts, such as contracts for building rights, construction, design, and supervision.

For any additional information, we are available through the published contacts or the contact form.


05 / 626 11 07


Fides et fiducia sunt fundamenta vitae.

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EPIK konzultiranje d.o.o.

Pristaniška ulica 8
6000 KOPER


05 / 626 11 07


VAT ID:  SI89912756
ID: 2250969000
IBAN: SI56 1010 0003 9821 793
Banka Intesa Sanpaolo d.d.

EPIK, pravni studio © 2024. All rights reserved.